Tuesday, October 21, 2008

What will they think of next?

This is the newest menu item from Arby's. I can't let these pass without a comment. So you prepare macaroni and cheese and then bread it and then fry it. Why is the American public so obsessed with taking junk food and making it worse? Need I mention fried twinkies or fried snickers? What will we fry next? I am a total junk food junkie.  I love chocolate turnovers from Arby's. Now that was a good call, those things are FANTASTIC and not for weak chocolate lovers. Caramel Empanadas from Taco Bell are GREAT.  F'Real makes a DELIGHTFUL smoothie.  But c'mon Mac n Cheezers? Fried macaroni and cheese!!! Forget the fat content what are we teaching our kids about spelling !?!?!? I think I can safely say I will never order these. As for my kids, well that remains to be seen.

1 comment:

Steve and Kelli Fam said...

I saw that the other day when we were driving by Arby's. I turned to Steve and was like "Who would order that?!?!" Sounds horrible...but what do I know.