Monday, October 20, 2008

A New Calling

As some of you know from my panicked phone call last week I have a new calling in the church. It is official I am now the new Stake YW secretary. Which I thought it wouldn't be so bad. You know secretary is all about the paper work right? Yeah, I don't think it is going to be that easy. I have only been official since yesterday and already I have a couple of things going this week. They also mentioned speaking assignments and ward visits.  I have had a couple of panic attacks already. I feel so inadequate for the job. It could be that I haven't been released from my primary calling yet. Not to mention I have been in primary for the last couple of years so I am out of the YW loop. I kind of feel like crying because it seems so overwhelming right now.  I guess this is one more leap of faith I will be taking, it seems there have been so many in the last few months. So far so good. So on the count of three I am jumping in!  Ready? One, two, three.........


Steve and Kelli Fam said...

PERFECT!!!! You will be perfect. I can't think of anyone better. Just tell your family you now have a full time job so you need mega support. I am just in the ward YW and it feels like a full time job. You will do great I just know it. Who are you working with? Anyone I know?

peer pressure made me do it said...

You are awesome and you can totally handle this. Don't worry about the speaking just remember the poodles. All will be well!

gretchkin said...

Jumping in is the best way to do it. You will be great, and you have a daughter in the Y.W. program so that should be fun. You are awesome, and your bizarre, crazy sense of humor will add a whole new dynamic to the program!

Hawkley Family said...

You are going to bring so many wonderful ideas to this calling. I think the secretary in the stake is used like a counselor, with all the paperwork, too. But, the best thing about it is that you get to meet all the wonderful YW in the stake and they are going to Love YOU!!!!!

rwheeler said...

You will do a great job! Love you tons!