Wednesday, October 1, 2008

A short vent...

We had an IEP meeting with Luke's teacher on Monday. He is doing really good at school. Reading is starting to click for him and he is really doing well in math. He is being more confident at school and is the ring leader for a lot of games that go on at recess. All of these things are positive and we are thrilled that he is doing so well. The one thing that is bothersome to me is that his teacher mentioned that she thinks we should work on his baby talk. BABY TALK???!!!! Ok Luke has his speech problems but I don't think he has EVER used baby talk. She used the example that he asked for a drink of wa wa. I have NEVER heard him say wa wa. I asked him if he said that and he said no. When we got in the car he asked me what wa wa is. He used to call Wade DA DA but we would correct him as he got older so he doesn't even say that anymore. The kid started talking when he was 3 1/2 so we kind of skipped the baby talk stage. If he is talking like that he is probably mimicking another kid at school or his teacher just doesn't understand him. Either way it irks me because he has come soooooo far in his speech. Wade and I work really hard to help him in every way we can so as he gets older he can have a somewhat "normal" life. He does have a good teacher and he is doing so much better but I know that she is off on this one point. I didn't say much in the meeting because both Wade and I were a little stunned she said this. I have been trying to pay attention to Luke's speech the last couple of days and I haven't heard baby talk, sure he leaves out a lot of connecting words, but no baby talk. I just wanted to make sure it wasn't me being in denial as a parent, which happens a lot when you have a special kid like Luke. I will be talking to his teacher today to get it straightened out. I just wish sometimes we didn't have to fight so hard ALL the time. For Luke it is worth it. He is such a great kid and we are blessed that we have him in our family! That is my vent.


Hawkley Family said...

Good luck with the teachers. Luke sounds like he is doing great! And who knows him better than his parents? Trust your gut!

Emily Weber said...

Hi Kati! I didn't know you had a blog! It's fun huh? It's a great way to keep up with people! Especially those you don't see very often! (like us!) I didn't even know Luke had speech issues. Our son Braden who's 2 1/2 now was diagnosed with Autism when he was 18 months old. We've been working SO hard on speech with him, and he says about 20 words now, but only if we say it first. We still have a long way to go, but I'm grateful for how far we've come! So I understand how you feel! Feel free to visit our blog if you like it's I'll add you to my list so I can keep in touch! :)

Steve and Kelli Fam said...

Kati that is so frustrating. Don't you hate it when you realize later all the things you wish you said while you were there!!! That is the worst. We sure love Luke and it's obvious to us how far is has come. Your the best Luke!

Bill & Tenna Allen said...

We can see that Luke has progressed tremendously. Don't give up. You and Wade have done a fantastic job. We know he will continue to learn. You are great Luke. What a great picture.

Tirsa said...

First of all, what a cute picture. Luke, you are a handsome devil, that is for sure.
Second of all, I've never noticed baby talk from Luke. Sounds like you will do what you can to straighten out the teacher so that she can focus on the real concerns. You guys are the best parents Luke could ever ask for because you are so great at doing what is best for him...And, I've never seen you baby him.