Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Ok Ok I am Tagged! Sheesh!

Kelli tagged me....UMMMM I guess! I usually do not do these but I will this time!!

Eight brilliant, intellectually stimulating shows I watch...
1. Gilmore Girls season 1
2. Gilmore Girls season 2
3. Gilmore Girls season 3
4. Gilmore Girls season 4
5. Gilmore Girls season 5
6. Gilmore Girls season 6
7. Gilmore Girls season 7
8. McLeod's Daughters
Each and every one of these is a train wreck!! Gilmore Girls is a train wreck with humor.Oy with the poodles already!!!! McLeods Daughters is a train wreck on a FARM in Austraila!!

Eight amazing, life altering things that happened yesterday...
1. I went begging money for pennies by the inch.
2. I helped clean someone else's house.
3. Delivered cookies to someone.
4. Took a couple of books for someone to read.
5. Washed my comforter.
6. Picked a paint color for my living room.
7. Bought paint for my living room.
8. Read scriptures with my family.

Eight Favo Places to Eat...
1. Wingers- Vernal
2. Cafe Rio- Provo
3. Hollow Moon Cafe- Myton
Are you sensing a pattern here?!

Eight Things I'm looking forward to with unparalleled anticipation...
1. Bedtime
2. Payday
3. Thanksgiving
4. March 26th
5. Snow (there is no way to type this sarcastically because it is probably going to happen on Saturday!)
6. Getting my living room painted 
7. the Primary program being over 
8. Spring (just so I can wear flip flops again!! I hate wearing "real" shoes!!!)

Eight glorious people I tag...
What other people?  It is all about ME!!! Really enough about you more about ME!!! I am not even kidding!


jenibug said...

Oy with the poodles already!! My sister and I say that all the time because we are Gilmore Girl freaks too. Figures that you and I would like the same things now as we did 20 years ago back at Girl's Camp! Hope you don't mind there are pictures of you at Disneyland on my blog and Tammy's too! Good, good times!
-Jennifer (Young) McDonald

Steve and Kelli Fam said...

Kati Kati Kati....you are cracking me up!
So what is March 26th??????
I'm a little confused.

mjlamb's said...

hey this is Jamie... Just wondering.. I am a big fan of Gilmore Girls but I didn't get to see the last season because we didn't have tv and I am having a hard time finding it to rent. Do you have it? Could I borrow it? 725-5425