Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Two weeks ago we got a call from a member of our Bishopric asking Wade and I to speak in Sacrament meeting. I had to check the calendar because it is the season for Ward Conferences. I had to be in another Ward that Sunday so Wade got the opportunity to speak all by himself. I was feeling pretty good about getting out of speaking. I was also confident that I wouldn't have to bear my testimony in the Ward I was attending for various reasons. Then out of the blue I was asked to bear my Testimony. At least Wade had the benefit of 2 weeks of preparation and notes! We both had a good laugh about it! This is what irony looks like my friends!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Lizzie Spends her Birthday Money

A Big Thank you to all who sent Lizzie Birthday Money. She is quite the little shopper!

Lizzie's Baptism

It is still hard to believe that Lizzie is official.  And that she is old enough for all this. 
There were 2 other kids who were getting baptized that day. It was a little crazy, but nice.
The mom's had to do a spotlight. I thought it was a rotten idea. I spent the whole time crying. Lizzie is a special kid and we are blessed to have her in our family. We are so happy she made the choice to get baptized. 
 After the baptism we went home and had Chinese food! Yummy! Then the Wheelers came over for a night of Nerts. It was a really good day!

Lizzie's Birthday Party!

Six little girls, 2 big pizzas, 1 Barbie movie, lots and lots of candy, and a few games = lots and lots of Birthday fun!

This is a fun thing Lizzie's friend Alyssa does there is a little song and then the Birthday kid makes a wish for the person bonking them on the head with the gift. Lizzie wished that Alyssa would be a farmer!
Dance tag.
Barbie and the Magic of Pegasus. Looks like they really like it!

Happy Birthday Lizzie! (belated)

So Lizzie had a pretty good Birthday. I can't believe she is 8! 

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentines Day!

Daisies in My Hair and Tulips in a Mason Jar
 by Shana Hart

I want to be crazy
                    in love

I want my eyes to smile

I want to build a house that smells like him
      and tastes like us

I want wood floors that creak with his existence 

I want a clothesline to air our dirty laundry

Let the weeds grow tall hiding idiosyncrasies

I want a swing in our backyard that reaches
     the rooftops and doesn't leave splinters

When night falls I want to live by candlelight
       and the luxury of him

Listen to murmuring hearts and 
        let our bodies talk then finally
                                              images of us

to pull at my sides
     begging me to teach
     helping me to learn

let there be something awesome
                                     immortal and mightier than us

and let us believe in it together

Friday, February 6, 2009

Valentines Day

I am shamelessly plugging Wade's Valentines! I love the ones he designed for kids. I love them because I usually hate all the commercial ones.  You know the ones that say ridiculous things. Things I don't want my kids to say to other kids... ever! Not to mention Wade made them and I have always been impressed and a little jealous of his talent! You can scroll down the page and on the side is a list of what is on his store at etsy. If you click on it you will link up to his etsy store. The coolest part? He emails you the file so you can print as many or as few as you want....FOREVER!! You don't have to wait for shipping. Instant gratification is totally my style!! And if you want the kids can help put them together! Really I think they are so cool!!! Go check them out!!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Rules to Live By

I was searching through some stuff and I found my rules to live by. I made up the list when I was 19 or so.  Knowing me I probably got the idea from a book or movie. These are 14 rules that I came up with.  

1. Always put the Lord first.

2. Never make a complicated thing simple or a simple thing complicated.

3. Wear white at night.

4. Eat from each of the food groups.

5. Clean even where it doesn't show.

6. Never do anything with the soul intent of hurting someone.

7. Look up words you don't know.

8. Pursue the truth.

9. Wear socks that match your shirt.

10. Never put out electrical fires with water.

11. Always get to the bottom of things.

12. Be consistent.

13. Floss.

14. Forgive. 

Some of them are harder to master than others. Overall I think they are a good bunch of rules. What would you add to the list? What are some of the rules you live by?

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Tagged by Kelli Allen
1) go to the 4th picture folder
2) go to the 4th picture in the folder
3) tell 4 things about that picture
4) tag 4 more people
I Tag Carolee, Tammy, Gretchen, Rachel and anyone else who wants to do this! 

1. Lizzie is 1 in this picture.
2. Our first full Winter in Rosevelt.
3. Sledding at Constitution Park.
4. She really flew when she would go down the hills!

Monday, February 2, 2009


I read this book several years ago.  At the time I thought the book was slow moving and I kept thinking just get on with it. I like the premise of the book. I won't spoil it for people who haven't read  it. Then I found out they made it into a movie. Then I saw the trailer. I became interested again. Then we saw the movie last week. WOW! I loved it. It moved along. The actors were fantastic! Really can you go wrong with Helen Mirren in a movie? I have always been a fan of Brenden Fraiser.  Not to mention Paul Bettany! Seriously excellent movie. This has to be a first for me to like a movie better than a book! It has been to long for me to remember the book but I will read it again just to see if it is better the second time around. In the meantime go see this movie!!!

P.S. I think the girl in it looks like Amy Ashby Stolworthy!!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Macaroni and Cheese

Luke decided it was his turn to make dinner and he was going to make macaroni and cheese. And he did! And he did it with zero help!!!! He did everything on his own! It was so good! I didn't know that macaroni and cheese could taste so wonderful!! What a great kid! I know that he will be able to great things in his own way and his own time!