Thursday, April 23, 2009

Let's Go Fly A Kite!

Luke's school had their Spring Program today. It was really cute. There were surfers and sheep and little preschoolers in rain coats. Luke did really good saying his part. He was very insistent on reading it and NOT memorizing it. I am posting the video of the whole school singing Let's Go Fly a Kite, their theme for the program, with the focus on Luke (of course). Notice they are signing the song as well as singing it! Please forgive the shaky video, we were standing up!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Happy Earth Day!

Or is it Merry Earth Day?  I know it is a day so that the tree huggers can make us feel guilty about how humans are destroying the earth. Usually I just buy t-shirts for my kids that say things like, "Can I recycle my brother/sister?".  Now I don't buy into all the hype but I do believe that we need to mindful of this Divine creation that we live on. In honor of this day devoted to the Earth I weeded my flower beds and I think I will run out to buy some flowers for my front yard.  If we could decide on a tree I would plant one. Ooops sorry I think Arbor day is the day you plant trees! So Happy/Merry Earth Day! Thank Heavenly Father for this BEAUTIFUL place we are privileged to live on!!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


As many of you know we get paid ONCE an month. On that day we do our MAJOR shopping for the month. We pile the family in the car and head to WALMART. We shop there for several reasons that I won't go into now. We have done this for 8 years. I have 2 notebooks to prove it! This is what my shopping list looks like:

Needless to say we fill two carts.  Not only that it usually takes a few hours. Last night we got started late to begin with. We finally reached the check out at about 9 p.m. There were 3 Express lanes (20 items or less) open and only 2 regular lanes. Both of the regular check out lanes had long lines and the people in those lines were like us with full carts. So we get in line to wait our turn. Fortunately for us they opened another regular line and because we were the next in line the Walmart employee told us to go ahead. So we did. The lady behind us let Wade go then she saw me with the second cart.  All of a sudden she started to push ahead of Wade to be the first in the new line. Wade called her on it and said, "They said the next people in line and that is us." The lady replied "But you have three times the amount of stuff as the rest of us!" (She had 20 items or less) I kind of snapped and said back "So that means you should go first? We want to get home too!" In a huff she went to a different line.  Let me pause to say that had she asked if we minded if she went first because she had fewer items Wade and I both would have had no problem with that. I don't think I need to point out that there were 3 other checkouts with fewer people who all had 20 items or less. We had no other choice of checkouts. As she left she gave us a pointed look and was shaking her head like we did something wrong.   Anyway this is our reciept:

It is over and done with thank you for letting me vent. Yes we bought 153 items. Yes I think Walmart SHOULD let us reserve a special checkout lane on the 20th of every month! 

FYI a friend of mine who was impressed with my shopping notebook and abilities to feed my family so cheaply wrote about it in an article that will be featured in the May issue of a local magazine.  How cool is that?

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Easter Egg Hunt

On Easter Sunday the Wheelers invited us over for an Egg Hunt. I had to wait until Rachel posted the pictures on her blog so that I could mooch them for my blog. We had a really great time! Thank you Wheelers for the BEST LAST MINUTE EGG HUNT EVER!!!!

Click on this last picture to make it larger to see what Luke is doing with his hands! He is a crazy kid!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Ahhhhh Spring.....

Things are blooming here in Roosevelt!!!

I don't know what these little flowers are but we have a ton of them!
I think these may be our peonies coming back... 
I don't know what this sweet little flower is but it smells heavenly!
Now we have to weed all the flower beds....that is the part of Spring I don't like! Not to mention it is time to get our backyard going. We are hoping to get the sprinkler system in and grass planted within the next couple of weeks. I will keep you posted!

Friday, April 10, 2009

I'm no Bakerella....

but I think these turned out pretty good! The kids and I had fun making them. If only the mess was that cute!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Minimum day....

Today is the start of our Spring Break. We get a minimum day today and then Friday and Monday off. All week Hannah has been telling us RELENTLESSLY that there is no point in going today and can't she PLEASE stay home. Well we found these this morning posted in several strategic places... if you can't read all of it just click it to make it larger.....

Boy, I sure love living with a strong willed teenager!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Luke...the Tech Kid

We had a Parent Teacher Conference with Luke's teacher yesterday afternoon. While we were talking she told us that Luke is their tech kid. When things aren't working or the teachers can't figure it out they ask Luke. She told us that they had a kid who had gotten sick in a classroom. So they got the other kids out and sat them down to watch a movie while they cleaned up the mess. The teachers couldn't get the movie to work. All the kids started saying get Luke! So Mrs. Butterfield came and pulled Luke from class to help get the movie to work. He pushed all the right buttons and nothing happened. Luke looked at Mrs. Butterfield and she shrugged. So he tried it again and nothing. He looked at her and she just shrugged. She had no idea what was going on. So Luke lifts the flap on the VCR.  He puts in hands on his hips and looks up at his teacher and says. "No Movie!" We laughed so hard! Luke really is his class tech kid!!