Thursday, April 2, 2009

Luke...the Tech Kid

We had a Parent Teacher Conference with Luke's teacher yesterday afternoon. While we were talking she told us that Luke is their tech kid. When things aren't working or the teachers can't figure it out they ask Luke. She told us that they had a kid who had gotten sick in a classroom. So they got the other kids out and sat them down to watch a movie while they cleaned up the mess. The teachers couldn't get the movie to work. All the kids started saying get Luke! So Mrs. Butterfield came and pulled Luke from class to help get the movie to work. He pushed all the right buttons and nothing happened. Luke looked at Mrs. Butterfield and she shrugged. So he tried it again and nothing. He looked at her and she just shrugged. She had no idea what was going on. So Luke lifts the flap on the VCR.  He puts in hands on his hips and looks up at his teacher and says. "No Movie!" We laughed so hard! Luke really is his class tech kid!!


Tirsa said...

That is funny! Duh, teacher! Something I totally would do though.
The other night I came home to the sweetest phone message from Luke. Tell him we love him too and thanks for calling us. I haven't even been able to erase it yet because I smile every time I hear it.

Judi said...

That is really funny.

Steve and Kelli Fam said...

OK, that is hilarious. I have been reading all of your recent posts. I love reading them!
We wish so bad you guys lived closer!
Thanks for the post on the R word! It is a good reminder how hurtful our words can be and that we should watch what we say!

Bill & Tenna Allen said...

We love it. Luke you are great. Do you take after your Dad? We love you Luke.