Thursday, September 4, 2008

Rainy Days

This weekend was stormy here in Roosevelt. Late Friday night and early Saturday morning the skies opened up and it started pouring like someone had turned on a faucet. Just before six a.m. there was a huge crack of thunder that shook the house. It sounded like something exploded. It woke Wade and I out of a dead sleep. Within seconds the kids were in our room and the power went out. 
Luke kept saying that it was War of the Worlds and the aliens were coming to get us. (He probably shouldn't watch movies like that anymore.) 
What do my kids do on rainy days?  Luke and Lizzie play video games and watch movies.  Hannah makes foil hats for her and her beanie babies so the aliens can't read their thoughts!
I don't think I should let her watch the movie Signs anymore........
At least she took pictures of herself !!!!!


Judi said...

It is to funny. Want to know what my husband does on rainy days. Runs outside with a metal rod. Lovely and scary huh? Boys are stupid! he he!

Steve and Kelli Fam said...

Love the hats Hannah. Better to be safe than sorry!

Hawkley Family said...

I think she should be a costume designer for the movies. Her hats were much better than the one in "Signs".