Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Once upon a Time....

Luke had little feet like this:

Now is feet are like this:

Seriously, I have issues with my children's feet growing. Probably because I have giant feet myself. Or maybe it is partly my weird obsession with buying socks. The fact is Luke has man sized feet now. I hate it. I hate when they move into the adult sizes. Usually it means more money for shoes. It also means it will be harder to find  skill appropriate shoes for Luke. It also means he is one step closer to having my giant feet. He can now join Hannah and I in the huge feet club!  Didn't these kids get ANY of Wade's genes?


Steve and Kelli Fam said...

I'm thinking lizzie will have Allen feet. I know a couple of my kids got those skinny things. But Steve's feet are SO LONG!

Bill & Tenna Allen said...

As long as they work, that is what counts...