Sunday, July 3, 2011

Lizzie and her Imagination

Lizzie has an awesome imagination. She is always coming up with fun and sometimes strange games for herself to play. I love that she finds little things to call her treasures. One of the treasures she found was Wade's old bluetooth cell phone thing. I don't know what to call it, all I know is that Lizzie is in Sci-Fi HEAVEN!

These are the other treasures that she found at the bottom of my mail basket and is oh so proud to be the owner of :

I can remember finding treasures when I was a kid. Not bugs. I was not a fan of bugs. Still not a fan of them. I loved finding things to put in my purse. I thought having a purse full of stuff was the most awesome thing on earth!

What kind of treasures did you like to find as a child?

-Benjamin Franklin

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