Monday, January 12, 2009

Luke and Strep Throat!

So Luke's teacher called me on Thursday afternoon and said Luke had started crying and said he didn't feel good. He is really good at trying to get out of things by saying he isn't feeling good. So we decided to see if she could talk him out of it or at least get him to do something else. I know it sounds like I was being a mean mom but Luke fakes sick ALOT! I got a call 20 minutes later and I went to go pick him up. In the car on the way home he said he feels shaky, not his usual verbage for faking. His hands and feet were cold but he didn't really have a fever. I put him in the bath and then into bed. He fell right asleep. By the next morning he was burning up. After medicating him I called 8 different doctors to see if we could get him in. Well doctors in Rosevelt don't work on Fridays! I swear we couldn't get in to see anyone. So I had to wait for the night clinic which started at 4 p.m. He was due for another dose of ibuprofen at about 4:30 so he was burning up. 103.9. I had been so worried about him all day. It was strep throat! I didn't know it could develop so fast! Poor Luke. More bad news for him... he had to get a shot of antibiotics.  He told the nurses "It isn't polite to give shots!" Needless to say he was rewarded handsomely for enduring the shot. I tried to warn him that a shot was a possibility and he kept telling me they made him WEEPY. At least that is what I thought he said. No shots make him LIMPING! He milked the sick thing for as long as we would tolerate it. Thankfully he is feeling tons better and is back to school this morning!!! Although shots are not polite and they make him limping I am thankful that they work so fast and that I don't have to pay extra for them!!!!


Judi said...

Sorry to hear about Luke. That is not fun beung sick. He is right "It isn't polite to give shots!" I hate seeing my kids get shots. It hurts me too. I am glad he is feeling better. Now he can go back to being the Luke you love so much.

gretchkin said...

Oh poor Luke. Strep throat is not fun. I am glad he is feeling better. You can always tell him about my bout with strep throat when we were younger. Give him a kiss & hug from me. I am glad we live in a age with great medicine.