Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Stop what you are doing right now....

and go and get this book!!! Seriously, I don't care what you have to do to get it! It is one of the best books I have read....EVER! I have no words to convey how fantastic this book is. I was drawn in by the first page and am now totally smitten with it!! Stop reading this blog and go get the darn book!!! And then when you are done with it call me and we will discuss it!!!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Look What I Found Blog Hopping!!

I think it is so awesome!! You can find it here.


Now that all the MAJOR events of summer are over for me all I WANT to do is stay in these....

Relax in one of these.....

And read a few of these....

So until I am rested and relaxed you will have to wait for the Camp update and the family reunion pictures!!!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Something to think about while I am at Girl's Camp!

This is Wade's FAVORITE picture of me as a kid. He says it is the epitome of my personality on film. Do you think it is true?

Really he just thinks it looks like I am going to go punch someone in the face. Which I guess he thinks is funny. Just look at those big brown eyes! Is that the face of someone who is going to give someone else a knuckle sandwich? I don't think so.

Monday, June 22, 2009

A Visit with the Other Allens.

Ok the visit was with ONE of the other Allen families. And it was a blast!! Thank you to Blaine and Tirsa for inviting us for a whirlwind weekend!! First we did a little shopping. Sorry I didn't take any pictures of it. Then we went swimming. Sorry I didn't take any pictures then either. But then we went up into the mountains to Tirsa's sister's cabin and did some repelling. Now that I did take pictures of!! The problem is I took like 86 pictures. So I have been trying to narrow them down to post them. Here are some of them. For the rest of the Allens that we didn't visit this weekend you will probably see all of them in 2 weeks at the reunion! Aren't you so excited?!?

This is looking down from the MEDIUM repelling rock! Wade was on his way down! Hello little tiny people!!

These are totally out of order and I am too tired to figure out how to get them back in order so you are going to have to suffer through some randomness.
Don't these girls look like they are having a blast?

On the way up to the cabin we saw ELK!! They were huge! And they were in the road! There were 10 that Tirsa and I counted and they didn't care that we were there! Then two started to butt heads but I didn't get a picture of that!

Totally cool right?

Ezra... I love this kid. He really really really doesn't like me. Go figure right?

Hannah dropped Luke's glasses into a crevice and Wade had to fetch them out. Isn't this picture hilarious?

Can you see him trying to get them? They came out relatively unharmed, just in case you were wondering.

This is a close as Luke would get to repelling. At one point he said he would do it. That is really good for him, normally he would scream and cry. He is getting braver!!!

This is Blaine repelling. Seriously, I barely could get a decent picture he went so fast. Guess I need a smaller and a faster camera!

This is Lizzie. This is as far as she got on the kiddie cliff. She was so brave!

Bella tried a little too! She got just a bit further than Lizzie. Won't be too long before she is as good as her dad!!!

Wade was having a great time.

Yes, this is my beautiful daughter Hannah hanging from a cliff...... and loving it! Thank you Blaine I think you have helped to create a new thrill seeking junkie. What's next jumping out of planes?

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Drum Roll Please.......

This is what the front of our house looks like. Wade has done such a good job on the yard! So far so good!

Look! Raspberries!!! Do you see them? I don't think we will actually get any since Lizzie is watching them like a hawk and I suspect they will end up in her belly before we even know they are ready!

This is Wade's favorite plant. It is called a Lupine. One plant two different colored flowers. Go figure. Not to mention he has planted it in the Bermuda Triangle of our yard. I hope it survives. He has killed one already.

This is what we are doing with all the rocks we have pulled from the yard.... lining out the flower beds! Doesn't it look quaint?

And the moment you have all been waiting for.... the grass we have been watching grow for the past months!

It is getting better and better everyday. There are still some issues that could be blamed on the dirt, cats, birds, bugs, weeds and every other plague that affects grass. But it is so much better than the weeds right?!?

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Orchestra Camp....

Hannah had Orchestra Camp this week. It is always really fun. This is the week they really get to have fun with the music they are playing. Not to mention the movie and the swimming party and the really cool t-shirt they get. This year they were able to play a song called The Dory Anne. It is composed by a man named Robert Frost. Not the poet. He has taught music here in Utah and has written a number of pieces for orchestras. He has also written a few method books. Lets just say this guy is really cool to Orchestra dorks like Hannah. So Robert Frost was able to come out and work with the kids and then conduct that same piece at the concert. Hannah worked really hard all week. It was a great experience. Thanks to Rachel Wheeler who keeps this program going and keeps the kids excited about playing. Next up, Youth Symphony!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Provo Falls

On our way up to check out Bear River Lodge and Mirror Lake (where the Allen family reunion will be held in July) we encountered this:

Provo Falls. Isn't it gorgeous? 

The kids had a great time playing mountain goat on all the rocks.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Trying to decide.....

We bought some of these today. Do you see where it says Strawberried Peanut Butter? Wasn't sure these would taste good. You know what? I am still not sure what I think.  They aren't that bad but they aren't the best. What do you think?

Saturday, May 30, 2009

I am soooo in love with these....

These are necklaces made out of scrabble tiles. I LOVE them! The best place to find them is on Etsy.  Just thought all of you should know. 

These are just a few examples:

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Once upon a Time....

Luke had little feet like this:

Now is feet are like this:

Seriously, I have issues with my children's feet growing. Probably because I have giant feet myself. Or maybe it is partly my weird obsession with buying socks. The fact is Luke has man sized feet now. I hate it. I hate when they move into the adult sizes. Usually it means more money for shoes. It also means it will be harder to find  skill appropriate shoes for Luke. It also means he is one step closer to having my giant feet. He can now join Hannah and I in the huge feet club!  Didn't these kids get ANY of Wade's genes?

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Best $2.50 I Ever Spent!

More Dinosaurs!

Lots of blood and drama and running. Yep it was the second grade field trip to 3 different museums. The kids had a great time. I said "no touching" more times than any one person should in one day. One kid had a bloody nose and then 20 minutes later sliced his eyebrow open on a metal gate.  Really lots and lots of fun. Did I mention the bus ride? Did I also mention this is the last time I will be asked to go on this field trip? Is the cup half full or half empty? You decide.

Monday, May 18, 2009


Lizzie is in the Musical Mustangs at her school. It is a little choir type thing. She loves it. They just had their last performance of the year on Thursday. It was all about Dinosaurs. It was actually pretty cute. So here are some pictures and videos of that wonderful performance.

Lizzie was posing on the steps. They had one song that they were like little dino rappers. So this is Lizzie trying to be a homegirl.


Can you see Lizzie? She is the short one on the second row. 

Lizzie's friend Ali was sitting right next to her.

Here are the video's of Lizzie. 

Even though the gym was sweltering and the people behind us were loud and obnoxious it was fun to watch Lizzie. She was really into all the little dance moves. 

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Special Olympics

"Let me win, but if I cannot win let me be brave in the attempt." This is the motto for the Special Olympics. It has affected me  in so many ways to be able to be a part of this fantastic program. So many of the athletes who compete are inspiring. In a way it is a great validation for these kids and adults who have to struggle so hard in day to day living. I highly recommend going to the competition in your area because you will be uplifted by the joy and the excitement of these beautiful children of God. 

Ok enough of the mushy stuff ...

Luke and friends waiting for it to begin.

Opening ceremonies included an introduction of the participating schools. Can you see Luke?

This is Luke introducing his friend Ammon to his classmates.

Stretching for his first race.

Luke and his relay team getting their medals.

The running races are in the morning and then they have 3 Soccer skill events, a throwing event and a standing long jump event.
This is Luke showing off his wicked soccer skills. 

Standing long jump.

On the way home. 

It was a really good day. Luke got a bronze for his 50 m run. A 4th place ribbon for his 25 m run. And a gold medal for his 4x relay. We will find out about the afternoon events at a awards ceremony at school. Luke tried hard and really did a good job. Thank you to the Hoppers and Larsens who were able to come. It really made Luke's day that much better!