Dear Hannah,
I can't believe you will be 15 next week. Where did the time go? It is hard for me to find the words to tell you how much I love you. You have grown into such a lovely, fantastic, incredible, spiritual girl. You amaze me every day. I worry about you and then you do something that just blows me away. Then I stop worrying about you for a day or two.
I love watching you as you discover your talents and interests. I love watching how your mind works and how things start falling into place for you. I love listening to you talk about the things you are learning and what it means to you. I know that you have the ability to do great things in this life.
I love you for your excellent example. I love watching you strive to do what is right in spite of what your friends and others are doing around you. I think that you are an amazing daughter of God and I want you to remember that he loves you, always.
Hannah, you have a fantastic sense of humor. Your laugh is contagious. I love how you can bring us all together and make us all laugh. I love how you can make Luke laugh so hard he can't breathe. I love the imaginative things you come up with!!
I love how you are so good with kids. I love how they just love you so much. I think they know what a good, kind girl you are and they are drawn to that. I love how creative you are and how you are not afraid to try many different kinds of outlets to express that side of you.
I know you will think this is totally embarrassing...
I just want to make sure that you know how great I think you are and how much I love you. What would I do without you? You are a part of why my life is so great. I love plotting and planning adventures with you! You are so brave and I admire that quality in you! Even though you like to act tough, I know the tender side of you. Just so you know, it is ok to let it show sometimes.
Hannah, I feel blessed to have you as my daughter. I am thankful for you and I love you so much! Thank you for being such a fantastic daughter.