Sunday, April 25, 2010

Luke's Spring Program

ConAmore had it's Spring Program last week. It is so fun to go and watch. Luke was asked to lead the Pledge of Allegiance. He did such a great job! His class has been studying the Presidents of the United States this year. He has learned so much! He can give lots and lots of information even if he can't always remember which president it was. So his class shared what they have learned so far. His class also sang a song with the whole school. The kids at this school are so wonderful. Every time I go to one of their programs I just want to cry during the whole thing. They are fantastic!

Luke waiting to share about his president.

Luke singing with his class... the boy loves to sing. I love to hear him singing to himself at home.

Getting ready to lead the Pledge.

Luke sharing information about President Taylor. His teacher Ms. Shelly is helping him.

1 comment:

Amy said...


He's got one up on me. I'm terrified of public speaking.